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You’ve taken a big step in your growth as a chess player!

What's more, you get an unequivocal guarantee that the gym will help you improve through completing the course or you will get every cent of your subscription back.

Take the tour or look at the right to see what you get for only $29.99 per year. A lot to look forward to, and we in turn look forward to helping you play winning and enjoyable chess.

On top of that you will also receive two instructive eBooks -Study to Win! by IM Andy Martin, and Build your perfect opening repertoire by GM Tony Kosten, free with your sub!

Click here to subscribe now

PS: Once you've joined, first download the Gym Guide, then go to the exercise room at a time to suit you to start your practice.



Keys to Success

Here is what you get when you subscribe:

Regular chess 'press-ups' in the shape of thousands of exercises covering all levels that will grow your tactical 'muscles'.

Once a month you will be able to pit yourself against the best in Danny King’s How Good Is Your Chess? .

Improving your ability to assess positions and plan ahead by doing interactive and scored strategy exercises .
Each month doing a set of excercises in the Your Move! section designed to improve your ability to select the right moves.

The exclusive opportunity to take one to one coaching from masters using a tried and trusted online method that will help you develop your winning ways even further.
 Plus Opening strategy, interactive Endgame & Middlegame material, ...etc.